The invention
Web or in more academic terms World Wide Web was invented by Sir Tim Branson Lee of the USA when he was working at CERN. The idea sparked as he had to walk down to different systems to access a file which was stored in different systems. He then formulated a way to connect different computers so that a file in a certain system can be accessed through any system. Later, the same ideas was used by him to create World Wide Web where all the world's computers are connected.
Internet vs World Wide Web
Sir Tim Branson Lee invented in a more fundamental way what we call an "internet". Internet is actually a connected network of all the computers.
World Wide Web is one of the services on internet. So, there are different ways computers can be connected on internet and Web or WWW is one of the ways.
Client-Server model of web
Web works on the client-server model. A client is a browser. Like Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer. A server is another computer which "hosts" the website or you can say "keeps" the website. So after the website is made, the website is "deployed" to the server. Every page of the website or a section of the website is kept or hosted on the server and it has an address which is given by the URL - Uniform Resource Locator. A certain URL is an address to a certain unique resource of the website. It could be an entire page or a section or anything else related to the website. Every link that opens in a browser is a URL. When a user clicks the link, the browser requests the server for the resource associated with that link and the server then sends it back to the browser. When a user clicks any link on the website for that matter the same thing happens. However, in modern web-design, the browser is capable of handling certain requests and performing certain actions without asking for the server. Like changing a colour on clicking a button etc. And that's how any client from any part of the world can request the server for anything that it has.
Universal Design Principle - Front End & Back-End
No matter what tool or what coding language or what method is used for web-designing, only the following things are done when any website or any application is designed on web:
1. Mark-Up - This is telling the browser that which element (text, image, video, button etc.) is placed where on the website. Means, the arrangement of elements on the website. This is done through HTML ( Hyper Text Mark-up Language).
2. Styling - This is styling the elements like Fonts, colours, sizing and even some animations. This is done using CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) or latest Tailwind CSS.
3. Scripting - This is the part where I said, browser can perform certain things without asking for the server. We do not hence need internet for such actions. To achieve speed in a website scripting is done. Animations and playing around with elements is done here. This is most popularly done by Javascript. React, Angular etc. are the libraries of Javascript only.
4. Request to server - Server requests are written to ask server for a certain resource or a certain action based on a user's action on a website. These requests are made through HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS ( Secure) protocol on internet. Javascript is used for this.
Upto this part is what we call the "Front-end"
5. Server processing - A server then performs the processing according to the request made. This processing is also called the "Business Logic" of the website. This could include the server connecting to the database, making changes to the database, or fetching information from the database. This is also written in Javascript.
6. Server response - The server then sends back the response to the browser over the internet again using HTTP/S protocol. This is also written in Javascript.
This part is the "Back-End". Database is the part of it. Database is just where the data is categorised and stored. We may need it, we may not. It depends of we want to store data or not.
7. Rendering - The browser then after receiving the response from the server renders the server response to the client's machine and the client's web-page is updated. This part is also Front-end and is written in Javascript.
Javascript Frameworks
A framework is a system to design a website or a web-application. As I discussed in the previous section, no matter what we do, we perform a certain task to get a website built. Every framework allows us to do the same task in different ways. For example, India and America both have are democracy but the democratic framework in terms of election is different. They achieve the same thing - "the law of people" but through different systems. Every system has it's own pros and cons. HTML & CSS is common and browser-server communication is also fixed however, how your website interacts with the browser and the server is different.
The latest javascript frameworks are - Next.js (It is a framework for both from-end and back-end) a full-stack framework. Due to certain reasons that I can explain you, it is considered the best for SEO purposes. It uses React.js for front-end and normal javascript for back-end. React.js is the most powerful and smooth javascript library for front-end designs. A library is but a collection of codes. So, while using a library, we do not have to write the entire code but we just use an entire block of code at a time. It saves a lot of coding efforts. A more advanced form of javascript named Typescript is used in this framework.
Other popular javascript frameworks are - MEAN ( Mongo, Express.js, AngularJs and Node.js) and MERN ( Mongo, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) Mongo is a database. Express.js is a back-end library of javascript and AngularJs is a from-end library of javascript like React.js. All of them make certain things harder and certain things easier. What is Node.js? Well, Node.js is a javascript runtime environment on a server and not a language or library. It allows for javascript codes to be interpreted and executed on a server. Next.js also uses Node.js runtime environment.
Javascript frameworks are the best used for front-end intensive websites or web-applications.
Python Frameworks
Python is another scripting language like javascript. And frameworks based on python are used the best where we have data intensive websites or applications. Those that involve scientific computations or where business logic is more complex. For example development of ChatGPT.
Some popular python frameworks are - Django & Flask.
A website or web-application can be a mix of javascript based framework and python based framework. We can use react for from-end and Django for back-end.
Some older scripting languages are - PHP (This is a back-end scripting language) and Ruby. Now a days, with React.js and Python, we would not use these for modern web development.
API, Cloud, Database, Domain, and Hosting
API means application Programming interface. It is an "interface". In the context of softwares, it is where two different software components from two different environments work together or connect together. In context of web, using API or creating API means, we have "de-coupled" the front end from back-end. And we then build APIs for the two sides to talk. This helps a lot in achieving higher speed for dynamic websites. Now, we can develop front-end and back-end separately. We can use javascript or python to perform so many front-end functionalities even without a need to talk to the server. Even without internet hence. In the context of javascript such a stack which entirely de-couples the two ends is called a JAMstack ( Javascript, APIs, Mark-up). Next.js is such a framework. Talk to me do discuss more capabilities of Next.js
Cloud is different from traditional servers in a sense that it expands like real clouds when you get more visitors to serve them all. The server is still a computer. A physical one. But, let's say I provide server services to you. Now, you as an owner do not need to worry of the expansion. Your visitors increase, I will put up more servers. This is cloud. Cloud service providers also offer lots of other benefits like cyber attacks that are server dependent or traffic dependent. So yes, your traffic is handled. You do not have to do anything, your bill will increase. it's like, you use fridge and AC, use whatever with electricity, the bill will manage. Cloud is just like that. You do not have to put your own server in different parts of world. The service provider manages it. AWS, Azure, Vercel, Google Cloud are some.
Database is a software which allows you to primarily "store" and then "manage" your data. Mostly server providers also provide database. You can make your own database. It is not a separate thing than a client-server. it is a part of it. Database providers allow you to manipulate, edit, and read your data in different ways. Two ways are the most popular - SQL, and NoSQL. When we have a fixed scheme, we use SQL, when we have a more complex schema, we use NoSQL. Mongo is a NoSQL database.
A domain is the web-address of your website. There are so may websites, everyone needs an address. Domain is a readable address. You can purchase a readable address. Domain is a name and behind it a number which is managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). It is like a phone number. You need to buy one to get you website assigned to that.
Hosting means, the server. Like we discussed, we go for cloud hosting. We use server services provided by some cloud operators. For small websites or applications, hosting is free from cloud providers like Vercel.
Wix is a "no-code" platform where modern web-layouts and an effective website can be created. Wix studio offers a blank canvas where any design of your choice can be built. It also has option to add javascript codes for additional features. To build a fast and reliable modern website wix is an amazing platform. It saves us time from writing server side codes or managing database. It also provides a comprehensive admin panel where you can manage your entire website effectively and smoothly. So, while working with wix we can totally focus on the visuals and UI. So, if your website is simple and you need a great visual communication in a short time and less budget, wix is the way to go.
Testing & Deployment (Development, Preview, and Production)
The developer/engineer/designer writes the code on their own system and tests it locally. The testing is done on their local machine without deployment directly on your host. Even if the website is deployed and you ask for the change, the local testing doesn't affect your live website. Your live website is called the "Production version" or "Production Deployment". The version the developer is working on locally is called "Development version." Sensitive information like payment gateway passwords or encryption key etc are different for development version. Now, on your host server, you can also create a "Preview version" with the same domain with preview. Like of your domain is then your preview domain will be The developer pushes the code's development version after testing locally on their machine on Git and you should connect your git to the preview version on your host server. You then push the code from your Git repo to the preview version on your host server. You then test it on the preview domain and if everything is good from your host server's interactive dashboard (Easy to use, no code and if you are working with me, I will guide you through everything) you push the preview version to the production. This is the best practice to make sure nothing goes wrong in your live production website. If we are working on wix, this is not required. Wix is a one-stop solution for everything.
Ownership Transfer & NDA
Ask your engineer for Codebase files, Git access, database access, and host server access. Make sure to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) this is a standard practice and your engineer will not feel bad about it. Make sure you learn to push from Git to preview and from preview to production on your host server. This is simple, like an interactive dashboard. There is no code for an owner in Git or Host server.
Also, make sure the developer deletes the codebase from their local machine after the work is done. The codebase stays saved in the developer's machine.
I hope I have covered as much as I can in these short articles. Please feel free to reach for any question or concern you have regarding your website. For consultation I charge merely 10USD an hour.
API, Cloud, Database, Domain, and Hosting
API means application Programming interface. It is an "interface". In the context of softwares, it is where two different software components from two different environments work together or connect together. In context of web, using API or creating API means, we have "de-coupled" the front end from back-end. And we then build APIs for the two sides to talk. This helps a lot in achieving higher speed for dynamic websites. Now, we can develop front-end and back-end separately. We can use javascript or python to perform so many front-end functionalities even without a need to talk to the server. Even without internet hence. In the context of javascript such a stack which entirely de-couples the two ends is called a JAMstack ( Javascript, APIs, Mark-up). Next.js is such a framework. Talk to me do discuss more capabilities of Next.js
Cloud is different from traditional servers in a sense that it expands like real clouds when you get more visitors to serve them all. The server is still a computer. A physical one. But, let's say I provide server services to you. Now, you as an owner do not need to worry of the expansion. Your visitors increase, I will put up more servers. This is cloud. Cloud service providers also offer lots of other benefits like cyber attacks that are server dependent or traffic dependent. So yes, your traffic is handled. You do not have to do anything, your bill will increase. it's like, you use fridge and AC, use whatever with electricity, the bill will manage. Cloud is just like that. You do not have to put your own server in different parts of world. The service provider manages it. AWS, Azure, Vercel, Google Cloud are some.
Database is a software which allows you to primarily "store" and then "manage" your data. Mostly server providers also provide database. You can make your own database. It is not a separate thing than a client-server. it is a part of it. Database providers allow you to manipulate, edit, and read your data in different ways. Two ways are the most popular - SQL, and NoSQL. When we have a fixed scheme, we use SQL, when we have a more complex schema, we use NoSQL. Mongo is a NoSQL database.
A domain is the web-address of your website. There are so may websites, everyone needs an address. Domain is a readable address. You can purchase a readable address. Domain is a name and behind it a number which is managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). It is like a phone number. You need to buy one to get you website assigned to that.
Hosting means, the server. Like we discussed, we go for cloud hosting. We use server services provided by some cloud operators. For small websites or applications, hosting is free from cloud providers like Vercel.
Wix is a "no-code" platform where modern web-layouts and an effective website can be created. Wix studio offers a blank canvas where any design of your choice can be built. It also has option to add javascript codes for additional features. To build a fast and reliable modern website wix is an amazing platform. It saves us time from writing server side codes or managing database. It also provides a comprehensive admin panel where you can manage your entire website effectively and smoothly. So, while working with wix we can totally focus on the visuals and UI. So, if your website is simple and you need a great visual communication in a short time and less budget, wix is the way to go.
API, Cloud, Database, Domain, and Hosting
API means application Programming interface. It is an "interface". In the context of softwares, it is where two different software components from two different environments work together or connect together. In context of web, using API or creating API means, we have "de-coupled" the front end from back-end. And we then build APIs for the two sides to talk. This helps a lot in achieving higher speed for dynamic websites. Now, we can develop front-end and back-end separately. We can use javascript or python to perform so many front-end functionalities even without a need to talk to the server. Even without internet hence. In the context of javascript such a stack which entirely de-couples the two ends is called a JAMstack ( Javascript, APIs, Mark-up). Next.js is such a framework. Talk to me do discuss more capabilities of Next.js
Cloud is different from traditional servers in a sense that it expands like real clouds when you get more visitors to serve them all. The server is still a computer. A physical one. But, let's say I provide server services to you. Now, you as an owner do not need to worry of the expansion. Your visitors increase, I will put up more servers. This is cloud. Cloud service providers also offer lots of other benefits like cyber attacks that are server dependent or traffic dependent. So yes, your traffic is handled. You do not have to do anything, your bill will increase. it's like, you use fridge and AC, use whatever with electricity, the bill will manage. Cloud is just like that. You do not have to put your own server in different parts of world. The service provider manages it. AWS, Azure, Vercel, Google Cloud are some.
Database is a software which allows you to primarily "store" and then "manage" your data. Mostly server providers also provide database. You can make your own database. It is not a separate thing than a client-server. it is a part of it. Database providers allow you to manipulate, edit, and read your data in different ways. Two ways are the most popular - SQL, and NoSQL. When we have a fixed scheme, we use SQL, when we have a more complex schema, we use NoSQL. Mongo is a NoSQL database.
A domain is the web-address of your website. There are so may websites, everyone needs an address. Domain is a readable address. You can purchase a readable address. Domain is a name and behind it a number which is managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). It is like a phone number. You need to buy one to get you website assigned to that.
Hosting means, the server. Like we discussed, we go for cloud hosting. We use server services provided by some cloud operators. For small websites or applications, hosting is free from cloud providers like Vercel.
Wix is a "no-code" platform where modern web-layouts and an effective website can be created. Wix studio offers a blank canvas where any design of your choice can be built. It also has option to add javascript codes for additional features. To build a fast and reliable modern website wix is an amazing platform. It saves us time from writing server side codes or managing database. It also provides a comprehensive admin panel where you can manage your entire website effectively and smoothly. So, while working with wix we can totally focus on the visuals and UI. So, if your website is simple and you need a great visual communication in a short time and less budget, wix is the way to go.
API, Cloud, Database, Domain, and Hosting
API means application Programming interface. It is an "interface". In the context of softwares, it is where two different software components from two different environments work together or connect together. In context of web, using API or creating API means, we have "de-coupled" the front end from back-end. And we then build APIs for the two sides to talk. This helps a lot in achieving higher speed for dynamic websites. Now, we can develop front-end and back-end separately. We can use javascript or python to perform so many front-end functionalities even without a need to talk to the server. Even without internet hence. In the context of javascript such a stack which entirely de-couples the two ends is called a JAMstack ( Javascript, APIs, Mark-up). Next.js is such a framework. Talk to me do discuss more capabilities of Next.js
Cloud is different from traditional servers in a sense that it expands like real clouds when you get more visitors to serve them all. The server is still a computer. A physical one. But, let's say I provide server services to you. Now, you as an owner do not need to worry of the expansion. Your visitors increase, I will put up more servers. This is cloud. Cloud service providers also offer lots of other benefits like cyber attacks that are server dependent or traffic dependent. So yes, your traffic is handled. You do not have to do anything, your bill will increase. it's like, you use fridge and AC, use whatever with electricity, the bill will manage. Cloud is just like that. You do not have to put your own server in different parts of world. The service provider manages it. AWS, Azure, Vercel, Google Cloud are some.
Database is a software which allows you to primarily "store" and then "manage" your data. Mostly server providers also provide database. You can make your own database. It is not a separate thing than a client-server. it is a part of it. Database providers allow you to manipulate, edit, and read your data in different ways. Two ways are the most popular - SQL, and NoSQL. When we have a fixed scheme, we use SQL, when we have a more complex schema, we use NoSQL. Mongo is a NoSQL database.
A domain is the web-address of your website. There are so may websites, everyone needs an address. Domain is a readable address. You can purchase a readable address. Domain is a name and behind it a number which is managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). It is like a phone number. You need to buy one to get you website assigned to that.
Hosting means, the server. Like we discussed, we go for cloud hosting. We use server services provided by some cloud operators. For small websites or applications, hosting is free from cloud providers like Vercel.
Wix is a "no-code" platform where modern web-layouts and an effective website can be created. Wix studio offers a blank canvas where any design of your choice can be built. It also has option to add javascript codes for additional features. To build a fast and reliable modern website wix is an amazing platform. It saves us time from writing server side codes or managing database. It also provides a comprehensive admin panel where you can manage your entire website effectively and smoothly. So, while working with wix we can totally focus on the visuals and UI. So, if your website is simple and you need a great visual communication in a short time and less budget, wix is the way to go.
API, Cloud, Database, Domain, and Hosting
API means application Programming interface. It is an "interface". In the context of softwares, it is where two different software components from two different environments work together or connect together. In context of web, using API or creating API means, we have "de-coupled" the front end from back-end. And we then build APIs for the two sides to talk. This helps a lot in achieving higher speed for dynamic websites. Now, we can develop front-end and back-end separately. We can use javascript or python to perform so many front-end functionalities even without a need to talk to the server. Even without internet hence. In the context of javascript such a stack which entirely de-couples the two ends is called a JAMstack ( Javascript, APIs, Mark-up). Next.js is such a framework. Talk to me do discuss more capabilities of Next.js
Cloud is different from traditional servers in a sense that it expands like real clouds when you get more visitors to serve them all. The server is still a computer. A physical one. But, let's say I provide server services to you. Now, you as an owner do not need to worry of the expansion. Your visitors increase, I will put up more servers. This is cloud. Cloud service providers also offer lots of other benefits like cyber attacks that are server dependent or traffic dependent. So yes, your traffic is handled. You do not have to do anything, your bill will increase. it's like, you use fridge and AC, use whatever with electricity, the bill will manage. Cloud is just like that. You do not have to put your own server in different parts of world. The service provider manages it. AWS, Azure, Vercel, Google Cloud are some.
Wix is a "no-code" platform where modern web-layouts and an effective website can be created. Wix studio offers a blank canvas where any design of your choice can be built. It also has option to add javascript codes for additional features. To build a fast and reliable modern website wix is an amazing platform. It saves us time from writing server side codes or managing database. It also provides a comprehensive admin panel where you can manage your entire website effectively and smoothly. So, while working with wix we can totally focus on the visuals and UI. So, if your website is simple and you need a great visual communication in a short time and less budget, wix is the way to go.
Abhinav Jha
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